About Tutored Today

Peer Tutoring Service
Get Started

Our Story

Where it all started

I am currently a third-year Mathematics of Computation and Cognitive Science double major at UCLA, and founded TutoredToday when I was a junior at Wando High School in Mt. Pleasant, SC. Through the years, I have enjoyed working with students to help them achieve their goals through my virtual peer tutoring services, which gives me the ability to serve students in Charleston, SC and across the US.

With over 14 AP classes taken in high school and three years of rigorous studies at UCLA, rest assured your student is in good hands.

I have worked closely with Wando teachers and teachers across the country to provide peer-tutoring services in a number of subjects to include:


  • Pre-Algebra
  • Algebra 1 & 2
  • Pre-Calculus
  • Calculus A/B & B/C
  • Chemistry
  • History (World & U.S.)
  • English
  • Spanish

Why I do What I do

I enjoy working with students and I can help you in a number of ways to include getting a head start on the upcoming school year, studying for a specific test, and/or providing ongoing support for a specific class/es throughout the year. Let’s work together to bring about the success you seek!

Ethan Diana, Founder

Math/CS & Cognitive Science at UCLA

Get to Know Me – 20 Minute Consultation

Parents and/or students may contact me at ethan@tutoredtoday.com to schedule an initial consultation. I would love to introduce myself to you via Zoom so you may get to know me and see if I would be a good fit for you.

Making Change 





“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”
-Margaret Mead

Peer Tutoring Service

I would like to help as many people as possible during these changing times. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a significant impact on students like you and me! In many cases it has made learning more challenging, and for many of us it has limited access to support services.

My hope is to have the opportunity to meet and work with as many students as possible!

Want to Become a Tutor?

Earn volunteer hours while giving back.


Apply Today

Reach for the Stars

“In my classroom, Ethan was able to identify students who needed support, identify the specific support they needed and relate to the students in a peer to peer way, leading them to success. Not only was Ethan successful in motivating and supporting students in my classroom, but he also decided he wanted to be a leader in our student to student tutoring program. Ethan excels in academic achievement, motivation, and community engagement. He models all the behaviors we desire in a successful young adult. I highly recommend Ethan as an academic resource!” – Teacher, Wando High School